Call me crazy but why are we no better off 100 years later? According the the US Department of Energy's website, FuelEconomy.gov, the 2008 Ford Ranger Pick-Up gets 15 MPG (highway, city combine). I drive a Acura MDX and hardly ever go above 45 MPH and I am only getting about 15 MPH, and neither of these cars are Flex-Fuel vehicles.
So tell me what happened in the past 100 years. Well, after Henry Ford began producing the Model-T oil-based gasoline emerged as the dominant fuel due to it availability, price, and of course lobbying from petroleum companies to maintain steep alcohol taxes. According to Hemp Car Transamerica (don't laugh this is both legit and important): "Many bills proposing a National energy program that made use of Americas vast agricultural resources (for fuel production) were killed by smear campaigns launched by vested petroleum interests." So big oil killed big agriculture's bid for our gas tanks? We're dependent upon foreign oil due to American big oil efforts.
Are you kidding me? So the 100 year-old Model-T does better on fuel efficiency than cars made today and its a flex-fuel automobile.
Henry Ford knew there was a future in alternative fuel. In 1925 he told the New York Times that "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust -- almost anything. There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years."
In the late 1920's, Ford began to test crops for their industrial potential. He actually used soybeans in gearshift knobs and horn buttons. This process of creating industrial products from agricultural raw materials is called Chemurgy. Coined by the chemist William J. Hale, chemurgy in the 1930's during the Great Depression, many farmers and others were advocating the link between farm and industry. In 1935, the Farm Chemurgic Council (later renamed the National Farm Chemurgic Council) was formed to encourage greater use of renewable raw materials in industry. This sounds like a good idea to me. If you've read some of my other blogs, you know that I feel strongly about the pervasive nature of petrochemicals in our everyday lives.
So tell me what happened in the past 100 years. Well, after Henry Ford began producing the Model-T oil-based gasoline emerged as the dominant fuel due to it availability, price, and of course lobbying from petroleum companies to maintain steep alcohol taxes. According to Hemp Car Transamerica (don't laugh this is both legit and important): "Many bills proposing a National energy program that made use of Americas vast agricultural resources (for fuel production) were killed by smear campaigns launched by vested petroleum interests." So big oil killed big agriculture's bid for our gas tanks? We're dependent upon foreign oil due to American big oil efforts.
Hemp Car Transamerica continues, "One noteworthy claim put forth by petrol companies was that the U.S. government's plans 'robbed taxpayers to make farmers rich'. Gasoline had many disadvantages as an automotive resource. The 'new' fuel had a lower octane rating than ethanol, was much more toxic (particularly when blended with tetra-ethyl lead and other compounds to enhance octane), generally more dangerous, and contained threatening air pollutants. Petroleum was more likely to explode and burn accidentally, gum would form on storage surfaces and carbon deposits would form in combustion chambers of engines." So this fuel is less efficient, dirtier, and more dangerous. Great choice America.
Finally, Hemp Car Transamerica concludes, "Pipelines were needed for distribution from 'area found' to "area needed". Petroleum was much more physically and chemically diverse than ethanol, necessitating complex refining procedures to ensure the manufacture of a consistent "gasoline" product. However, despite these environmental flaws, fuels made from petroleum have dominated automobile transportation for the past three-quarters of a century. There are two key reasons: First, cost per kilometer of travel has been virtually the sole selection criteria. Second, the large investments made by the oil and auto industries in physical capital, human skills and technology make the entry of a new cost-competitive industry difficult."
Back in 1974, the EPA began the Miles Per Gallon rating system. In a 1999 press release announcing the 25th Anniversary of the rating system, the EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner stated, "Choosing the most fuel-efficient vehicle within a class can save drivers at least $1500 [in 1999] in fuel costs and avoid more than 15 tons of greenhouse gas pollution [in 1999] over the life of the vehicle as well as help reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil."
Well only now in 2008, 100 years after the first Model T rolled off the manufacturing line, are Americans and our government, seeing the health, economic and environmental effects of not listening to Henry Ford's original vision. Well I'm not sure about this? Are we leading the world, or or we lagging behind? Can you guess?
Currently one country in Asia has fuel efficiency standards of 43 MPG. Another has mandated 35.5 miles per gallon by 2010. Those crazy Europeans have mandated 47 MPG by 2012, and Australia is 34.4 by 2010. But the US is waiting until 2020 to require cars to go 35 MPG.
Guess who is at 43 MPG? THE CHINESE. Yes China, the land of coal fired power plants popping up like weeds is WAY ahead of us in this area.
Time to go vote. Let your Senator or Congressperson know how you feel about this. Now is the time. Think Green on November 2.
Thanks for this post, it was a great comparison. It's scary how far behind we are. We really need policy to support the green things people are doing in their everyday lives. But beyond voting and writing the political leaders of your community, is there anything else you can do?
This is a great post. I never knew that about the 1908 Ford Model T! I guess another reason why our cars now have lower MPG than the 1908 Ford is because of air conditioning, heat, power windows, CD player, etc. but you would think that in one hundred years we would have more efficient cars overall...
I think that it is not only the government's responsibility, it is also the people's. We need to stop buying gas guzzling cars, decrease our waste, and invest in ways to make our homes and businesses energy efficient. The more the people push for continuance in the green movement, the more companies will comply to see us the products we desire.
Thank you for the great post!
I don't want to stop buying gaz guzzlers... how about this...just like Ford said, why don't you give me an alternative fuel to use that makes sense...like hemp oil diesel or non corn ethanol. I like my big truck, it is very practical. We need the government to get off it's high horse and legalize hemp to be grown. It's got about 25,000 uses. It was once called the "new billion dollar crop" by Popular Science..... google it.
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