Back in March 2007, IKEA set a goal of reducing its US store's plastic bag consumption by 50%. Thats from 70 million to 35 million plastic bags. At that time IKEA began to offer its consumer the option of buying a reusable bag for $0.59 or a plastic bag for $0.05, with all proceeds the company received for the purchase of their plastic bags over the past year going to American Forests, a non-profit dedicated to conservation, to plant trees to restore forest and help reduce CO2 emissions.

Now one year later and IKEA has discovered that their consumers are not interested in plastic bags. Over 92% of IKEA shoppers preferred reusable or no bags at all. So as a result, IKEA will not longer offer plastic bags to their consumers, as of October 1, 2008. So it is reusable or nothing!
"The success of this program truly demonstrates that our customers care deeply about our global home and that we can all work together to be sustainable and environmentally responsible." said Pernille Spiers-Lopez, president, IKEA North America.
IKEA UK went plastic bag free in June 2007. Leave it to the Europeans to be way ahead of us. IKEA Australia stopped in December 2007.
Way to go IKEA! Now can you get your products to last more than a year?
I'm new subscriber to your blog and think you are doing a great job! Isn't it interesting how corporations are taking the initiative to reduce plastic bag use while our government seems to be sitting back and taking no action. Other countries have legislated against the use of plastic bags after recognizing their destructiveness to wildlife, our waters and the waste of resources in the manufacturing process.
Alan -- Yes you right about our government. They are only good for initiating bad "green" policies like biofuel. Only in this country could you have bad green policies. Very sad.
Thanks for reading and spread the word.
Stay green!
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